
335 Fulham Rd, Chelsea, London SW10 9TW

Menu Mandaloun


Lebanese cuisine has some unique flavors, which are making it distinctive from all other dishes. If you want to try all and not sure where to go, then _MANDALOUN_ is the destination to visit. Here we have all the dishes that belong to Lebanese cuisine. For you, we have Cold Meze including Houmous, Tabbouleh, Fattoush, and some more along with the range of Hot Meze like Falafel, Batata Harra, Jawaneh, and many more. If these are not enough to satisfy the cravings, try the Stews and Cous Cous, where we have Chicken Couscous, Vegetarian Couscous, and others. If you are fond of trying Fish and Seafood do must try King Prawns, Mix Samak, and Meshwe Samak. A lot is waiting for you in this ultimate menu. We suggest you browse through it and get an answer about which dish is especially for you. We suggest you look at all the categories we have because there is a unique dish you can try. Browse our menu now and place your order to have a tempting plate presented in front of you.

About Mandaloun


We are among the best restaurants in the town, having a tempting range of Lebanese cuisine. We are coming up with all the dishes prepared with hand-picked ingredients and Spices, making them more appealing. We have experience preparing these dishes for a very long time, and we are quite fortunate that our customers rely on us for services whenever they crave such dishes. We will not let you feel disappointed because our menu is occupied with all your favorite dishes. Furthermore, placing an order will be easy for you because our restaurant app acts as a cherry on top. Get our restaurant app from Google Play Store and Apple app store and place your order immediately and have all the luscious dishes serviced in no time.

Restaurant location Mandaloun


Don't worry about reaching us and collecting your order because we are in the town's center. You just need to come to us to have an extraordinary experience with the plates we are serving. Reach us at _335 FULHAM RD, CHELSEA, LONDON SW10 9TW_ and collect all your favorite plates. This time we are not coming up with delivery facilities, but soon we will add this venture to our restaurant. Need not to worry because every time there will be the best delicacy served to you which will enlighten your evening. If unaware of location, turn on the GPS right there in our restaurant app. Hurry up, visit us now and grab all your favorite dishes.

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